CDs Rates | Contact Us 727.431.7680
Rates | 727.431.7680
Call 727.431.7680 or visit a branch to open and start saving today! Achieva members also have the option to open a CD in online banking.
What is minimum to open a CD?
The minimum is $500.
Can I list beneficiaries on my CDs
Yes. You may add or update CD beneficiaries at anytime during the CD term.
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. All APYs shown for the Certificate of Deposits (CDs) assume that interest stays on the account and reflects a yearly compounded yield. Interest on your CD is available when posted to the account without penalty. A penalty may apply to early principal or interest withdrawals on CDs and fees may reduce earnings. Rates on Savings, Interest Checking, and Money Market accounts are variable and subject to change without notice. Refer to your Account Agreement, Truth in Savings Disclosure and Certificate Disclosure for complete details. Programs, rates, terms, conditions, and services are subject to change without notice.